Basic Refrigeration Principles

Most users normally associate refrigeration with cold and cooling, yet the practice of refrigeration engineering deals almost entirely with the transfer of heat. This seeming paradox is one of the most fundamental concepts that must be grasped to understand the workings of a refrigeration system.

Cold is really only the absence of heat, just as darkness is the absence of light, and dryness is the absence of moisture.

Fluid Flow

In order for a fluid to flow from one point to another, there must be a difference in pressure between the two points to cause the flow. With no pressure difference, no flow will occur. Fluids may be either liquids or gases, and the flow of each is important in refrigeration.

Fluid flow through pipes or tubing is governed by the pressure exerted on the fluid, the effect of gravity due to the vertical rise or fall of the pipe, restrictions in the pipe resisting flow, and the resistance of the fluid itself to flow.

For example, as a faucet is opened, the flow increases, even though the pressure in the water main is constant and the outlet of the faucet has no restriction. Obviously the restriction of the valve is affecting the rate of flow. Water flows more freely than molasses, due to a property of fluids called viscosity, which describes the fluid's resistance to flow. In oils, the viscosity can be affected by temperature, and as the temperature decreases the viscosity increases.

As fluid flows through tubing, the contact of the fluid and the walls of the tube create friction, and therefore resistance to flow. Sharp bends in the tubing, valves and fittings, and other obstructions also create resistance to flow, so the basic design of the piping system will determine the pressure required to obtain a given flow rate.

In a closed system containing tubing through which a fluid is flowing, the pressure difference between two given points will be determined by the velocity, viscosity, and the density of fluid flowing. If the flow is increased, the pressure difference will increase since more friction will be created by the increased velocity of the fluid. This pressure difference is termed pressure loss or pressure drop.

Since control of evaporating and condensing pressures is critical in mechanical refrigeration work, pressure drop through connecting lines can greatly affect the performance of the system, and large pressure drops must be avoided.

Katey Werner